Who cares about the country?

I invited the children to talk together about the following subject: “Who takes care of a country?” The children met eight adults, each of whom performs a different job. During discussions with them, they wondered if, and why, their work is important. Then they were asked to use their imagination and find any analogies for their interlocutors’ jobs in the animal world.

Children sketched animals on portraits of our adult guests. Together we talked about the reasons for their choices and we voted for the best proposal for each guest. Together, we chose fabrics from which I made costumes for adults.

The children handed the costumes to the guests and, playing the part of reporters, asked if the adults can identify with the animals assigned to them. All meetings were recorded on camera. A film about the confrontation of adults and children will be shown in the autumn at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews as part of the “In the Country of King Matt the First” exhibition.