Space Ballet

This performative study constitutes an alternative to classical sociological research. As a result of the workshops with an interdisciplinary team of dancers, sociologists and architects, we have created a dance routine that attracts attention and effectively makes a passersby stop in a public space that requires research. We have also devised alternative ways of filling out surveys that are used to obtain information from the public space user.

We have gone through several rehearsals at the Warsaw branch of the Polish Architects’ Association (SARP). We have prepared a study dedicated to the space of the Wiecha Pasaż in Warsaw, where there are ongoing renovation works on the Zodiak Architecture Pavilion. We symbolically ‘bricked up’ selected people, ‘trapping’ them until they answered our questions and used us, the bricks, to build a structure matching their needs.  We recorded the research results by writing concise slogans on an inflatable wall. We passed the results to the employees of SARP, as the Association supervises the renovation of Zodiac and the surrounding space.
We repeated similar research in cooperation with the of Polish Cultural Institute in Berlin in the area near the Institute, which was supposed to be a summer integration space. We gave the research results to the Institute employees, but month later the director of the institute was dismised from her position.