a walk in the clouds

I always liked to immagine how does it feel to be a tree, a cloud or a stone. I though, the only way to find out was to make a newspaper announcement about renting myself as a set design object. As soon as I made it I got many interesting replies, as the invitation to become a tree in a show of Comedy Club in Warsaw. After this experience I though I should involve more people in my metamorphic experiment. As soon as I got proposal of making a project for Center of Culture in Bialoleka district in Warsaw I’ve desiced to make „a walk in the clouds” with the local community.

To bring people together I joined the district picnic. I offered the people to make the sky together. We stuffed clouds together and some people got excited on participating in my “walk the clouds” idea. 

All summer we were discussing what cloud each would like to become. Kamila – young mum, asked me to make a costium of a cloud for her with some extra space for brest so she could easily breast-feed her son. Krzysztof wanted to be a thundercloud and Ania asked me to make just a little cloud covering her hips. I also made a functional cloud for my photographer so she could carry it on her back, putting the camera and equipment inside, if needed. It is impossible to explain feelings that we had during the walk, however there are some pictures of it below… 

And I work on new metamorphosis all the time.

Pictures: Kamila Szuba

Project made for Cultural Center in Białołęka, cooperation: Krzysztof Mikołajewski, Anna Płachecka, Magda Major, Michał Kawecki, Piotr Pająk oraz mieszkańcy Białołęki.